


There's a delicious way to get a healthy body, namely eating or drinking yoghurt. Yogurt is milk that culinary through a fermentation process using a seed yoghurt. It plays a food or drink containing probiotic bacteria. These bacteria are "friends" in the gut.

Yoghurt is believed to give merit to the gastrointestinal tract. In fact, results of a study released in the United States recently said, yogurt can be a cause unstable blood pressure. Therefore, the yogurt had a hand in maintaining cardiovascular health.


How to make yogurt is very easy. Staying apply the following recipe:


500 mL whole milk
100 mL seed yogurt without feeling

How to make:

Heat the milk in a saucepan until it reaches the temperature lukewarm.
Let stand milk to temperatures down to near room temperature.
Enter a seed yogurt and mix well. After that, move to a closed container.
To be fermented immediately run, put the container in a warm area. Can also use a thick blanket closed. Let stand container about 5-7 hours. Do not be too long silence that taste not too sour.
If completed, refrigerated yogurt can be inserted and ready to enjoy.

If you want a sense of the yogurt, the milk used berperasa yoghurt and seeds also adjust the taste. Yogurt that has condensed form can be obtained by adding 75 grams of milk powder. Add milk powder during heating milk. And, when present cold yogurt is more enjoyable.

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